Monday, 20 October 2014

Mise-en-scene list

  • Instruments (guitar, microphone, drum kit, bass guitar) - shows the role of each band member. also appeals to the target audience as rock fans enjoy watching bands perform
  • Clocks - Element of disjuncture. The main theme in the promo is the loss of time. Smashing clocks at the end of the video will illustrate our character's hatred for his loss of time
  • Hammer/bat - will be used by protagonist at end of promo to smash the clocks
  • Protagonist/singer will wear a lighter denim jacket with a TShirt and dark jeans - conventional to rock genre as it is realistic; not extravagant or expensive looking
  • Guitarist - Leather jacket with TShirt and jeans - target audience expects a rock band to be wearing leather jackets
  • Drummer - TShirt and jeans - casual, realism
  • Protagonist/singer: James Girard - has extensive drama experience, will take main stage
  • Guitarist: Andy Cartwright - has experience playing the guitar
  • Drummer: Michael Montgomery - plays the drums
  • Medium-key lighting in the 'clock room' - an aggressive scene. Doesn't want to be too light to spoil the mood of the scene. Also doesn't want to be too dark so that we can not see what's going on
  • Low-key lighting in studio - we want it to look professional so we are choosing to use spotlights to illuminate band members
  • Studio - where the band will perform. Looks professional and we can perform with space in the studio
  • Quiet street - Where the protagonist will wonder. We want it to look like a realistic, every-day setting
  • Clock room - Where the protagonist will aggressively destroy the clocks at the end of the promo

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