"Genre is no longer a fixed set of elements".
Buckingham (1990) argues that genre is a constant process of negotiation and change.
Genre - codes and conventions that enable audiences to sort texts into groups
Hybrid - a crossover of genres. Genres changing.
Genres contain a repertoire of elements - what the audience expects to see.
Is it important to know the genre of a song before watching the promo?
- It is helpful for the audience to know the genre of a song before watching a music video so they know what kind of conventions to expect
- They will know what to expect when it comes to the mise-en-scene of a promo
- It is important to know the differences between genres - you can appreciate the more subtle conventions
- Fulfils audience expectations
- Predictable
- Creates a 'shorthand' means of communicating to the audience
- Allows a quick set up of a character/plot
- Yet needs a twist/innovation to avoid cliché/boredom
Pop promo genre conventions:
- Close ups
- Movement - dynamic, not static
- Zooms of performers
- Cut to the beat
- Heavy use of filters and effects
- Exposure, saturated colours
- Very fast paced
- Lots of computer generated imagery
- Setting - grand, luxurious, elaborate
- Costume - elaborate, over the top, expensive costumes
- Lighting - high key
- Props - phallic imagery, sexualised
- Props - grand, glamorous
- Actors - attractive, young adults, portraying an image of perfection
- Abstract
- Singing/dance
- integration between narrative
- Lavish, cabaret
- Disjuncture - without artistic meaning
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