Thursday, 25 September 2014

Post modernism and the music video

- Post modernism - taking the traditional and changing elements within it - Changing forms - eg: turning art in to cartoons - Playful/funny/humorous - References the past - Plays with realities Definitions: - Sceptical or playful interpretations of cultural works from the past - Intertextuality - borrowing from other sources - Reinventing what has gone before - Mixing of styles and influences - Distrust/rejection of past ideas If the EXPERIMENTAL stage of genre attempts to establish trends... and the CANNON stage works with those trends to fix them into our cultural understanding... then POST MODERNISM looks at those trends, laughs at them, pokes at them and adds something new in. Intertextuality Homage - Imitation is the highest form of flattery Pastiche - Using the imagery of one text to make a comment about another Parody - Taking the mickey

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